Who is a Move Colorado Member?
Most of Move Colorado’s members are companies with significant presence in Colorado. Our current members are listed here. Any staff member of a member organization is welcome to enjoy membership benefits. To be added to our distribution list, please contact us.
Member Meetings
Move Colorado’s Member Meetings are held month, typically on the second Thursday of the month at a member’s office and on Zoom. The upcoming meeting calendar can be found here. Prior meeting materials and recordings can be found here.
Committee meetings are open to all Move Colorado members. The current schedule and Zoom information is below, but if you would like to be added to the calendar series, please contact us.
- Policy Committee: every other Friday at 1:00 PM MT on Zoom during the legislative session and monthly on the first Friday at 1:00 PM MT on Zoom during the rest of the year.
- Member Recruitment Committee: schedule TBD
- Finance & Operations Committee: approximately quarterly on Zoom, contact us for exact dates
Further information about the committees can be found here.
Board & Staff
The current Board of Directors and Executive Leadership are listed here. Our Operations Manager, Rebecca Andruszka, can be contacted at rebecca.andruszka@movecolorado.org.
Move Colorado distributes a member-only e-newsletter several times a month. This includes information about upcoming member meetings and events, recent transportation news, and updates from our partners. You will be added to this list when you sign up for our distribution list, but if you do not believe you have received this, please contact us.