Senate Testimony for SB21-260
Good afternoon, Madame Chair and Members of the Committee. My name is Johnny Olson, and I am the President of Move Colorado. Move Colorado is a diverse group professional expert that strive to improve the transportation system to improve the quality of lives and economic vitality of the entire State.
We appreciate the efforts of the sponsors to find new and sustainable revenue s treams that will improve, repair, and maintain Colorado’s transportation system.
Move Colorado has taken a position to amend Senate Bill 21-260. Our position is based on several concerns.
The current language in this bill does not call out CDOT’s 10-year plan. This 10-year plan was developed from the ground up with locals and public comments and should be used as the roadmap of prioritized list of projects that was approved by the Colorado Transportation Commission.
The proposed allocation of funding does not address enough of CDOT’s 10-year Plan of projects, which includes critical road and bridge projects that are necessary to maintain a baseline transportation system that meets the needs of residents and on which EV infrastructure can be implemented. We recommend that either more of the distribution be allocated to bridge and pavement preservation, safety, and congestion relief or, as we stated previously, increase the road usage fee by $.02 each year.
Move Colorado agrees with intent of Section 28, which is to minimize health impacts to the public from vehicle emissions. However, we have several concerns on how this intent is proposed to be implemented. We will be submitting a position paper that highlights the proposed amendments we recommend.
Move Colorado asks that SB21-260 be amended with our recommendations.
Thank you
House Testimony for SB21-260
Good Evening, Madame Chair and Members of the Committee. My name is Johnny Olson, and I am the President of Move Colorado. Move Colorado is a diverse group transposition professional that strive to improve the transportation system to advance the quality of lives and economic strength of the entire State.
Move Colorado has taken a position to amend Senate Bill 21-260. Our position is based on following concerns.
First, we understand the complexity of this effort and appreciate the attempt to bring a new sustainable funding stream and modernization of the transportation system, however we feel it does not go far enough into the needs of Coloradoans. CDOT’s has a10-year plan that was developed from the ground up with locals and public comments that includes multi model options, improved transit connectivity and reduction of greenhouse gasses. Their current plan is about $5B dollars and we know there is more than $10B dollar needed across the state. The proposed allocation of funding does not address enough of the transportation system or their critical asset needs that are necessary to maintain a baseline transportation system for all of Colorado. We agree that this is a great step forward, but it is not the silver bullet for fixing all the needs and we recommend that more of the distribution be allocated to bridge and pavement preservation, safety, and congestion relief that will improve air quality.
Second, CDOT’s top priority is safety, and as we spent time reading this 198-page bill safety was only mentioned a few times. If a new funding bill does not have a high priority on Safety, what are we telling the people that use the system, whether you use Electric Vehicles, transit vehicles or you are walking or riding a bike. Safety should be paramount to any transportation initiative.
Lastly, Move Colorado agrees with good communication and environmental stewardship and the broad intent of Section 29, However, we have several concerns on how this intent is proposed to be implemented. This section does not take into consideration the entire state and current processes that are already broadly used in the United States and this section will be duplicative, leaving lasting impacts on projects statewide. This section will kill and/or delay critical projects impacting quality of life and economic growth for Colorado. Move recommends following the existing Federal Highway Context Sensitive Solution process and National Environmental Policy Act and not add on additional bourdons.
In closing Move Colorado asks that SB21-260 be amended to include these recommendations.
1. Put more into the CDOT transposition Assets needs
2. Include Safety as an important component
3. Don’t add duplicative burdens in Section 29 that will hurt projects and local communities.
Thank you.